The BioImpulse project confirms its progress by validating a third key milestone!
7th July 2023

ADEME, as part of the Investment for the future program, has given its unreserved approval to the third key stage of the project, following the very positive progress made in previous stages.
The BioImpulse project aims to create a new adhesive resin free of substances of very high concern (SVHC). By developing a biosourced molecule of interest, the project opens up new applications for biotechnologies in the materials sector.
The main results of this third key stage is including:
The development of a new purification process and validation of its operation on a pilot scale.
This purification process had been tested since the beginning of the project in separate technological blocks. This year, the project teams succeeded in linking the various elementary purification approaches to obtain a complete process, enabling them to isolate the biosourced raw materials needed to design the resins.The scale-up of fermentation, with a significant increase in production capacity from 2 m3 last year to 10 m3 and 30 m3 this year. The project team succeeded in implementing the complete fermentation and purification chain at an external service provider. This progress confirms the robustness of the entire process in a representative industrial environment.
The work on innovative metabolic pathways to increase yields and differentiate biomass feed sources. By exploring new approaches, the team has achieved proof of concept for a metabolic pathway enabling the molecule of interest to be produced on the basis of 2G (second-generation) biomass.
The validation of industrial trials on the production of plywood panels, with production of up to 1 tonne of resin.
A laboratory-scale production of plywood samples at FCBA using a biobased resin from the project, incorporating the molecule of interest developed and produced as part of BioImpulse.
All these results, obtained thanks to the collaborative work of all the BioImpulse teams (ResiCare, INSA Toulouse, TWB, Leaf / Lesaffre and Institut technologique FCBA), once again validate the project's continuity.
See you next year for the milestone No. 4 and for news of project’s progresses which are already underway!